Low Reps vs High Reps
So you're ready to start strength training. You've identified your goal, you know what gym you're going to or you've got some equipment...
All about the lymph
You may have heard about your lymphatic system at some point, but do you understand the enormous role it can play in your overall health?...
Cortisol - What To Know
Cortisol is our stress hormone and most people tend to think negatively towards it, but in reality, we actually need it. It is a...
Low Tox Kitchen - Beginner's Guide
Since there is heat involved and food goes in your body, the kitchen is one of the most important places to make low tox choices. The...
Ditch the Retinol
Retinol is a type of retanoid derived from vitamin A. There are synthetic and natural forms of it, and it can go by different names -...
The Cosmetic Industry
The cosmetic industry as a whole is worth over $500 billion. However, there is very little regulation for the industry. In fact, the last...
Sun protection 101
First thing I want you to know about sun exposure is that it is a GOOD thing, and we need it. Sun exposure impacts immune function,...